
TheFontLoadertypeisusedtoloadfontsbyURL.Thestatusindicateswhenthefonthasbeenloaded,whichisusefulforfontsloadedfromremote ...,FontLoader.ClassforloadingafontinJSONformat.Returnsafont,whichisanarrayofShapesrepresentingthefont.ThisusestheFileLoaderinternally ...,2021年6月14日—//japanesefontFontLoaderid:jpFontsource:qrc:/fonts/NotoSansJP-Regular.otf}//robotofontFontLoaderid:robotosource:qrc:/ ...,...

FontLoader QML Type

The FontLoader type is used to load fonts by URL. The status indicates when the font has been loaded, which is useful for fonts loaded from remote ...


FontLoader. Class for loading a font in JSON format. Returns a font, which is an array of Shapes representing the font. This uses the FileLoader internally ...

How to get QML FontLoader to load UTF

2021年6月14日 — // japanese font FontLoader id: jpFont source: qrc:/fonts/NotoSansJP-Regular.otf } // roboto font FontLoader id: roboto source: qrc:/ ...

main.qml - GENIVIconnected

2021年10月26日 — ... FontLoader id: oswald; source: qrc:/fonts/Oswald-Regular.ttf } FontLoader id: oswaldItalic; source: qrc:/fonts/Oswald-RegularItalic ...

Qml FontLoader not loading the custom font

2021年6月16日 — I have copied the font file .ttf in the .qrc resource fonts folder. I have defined a common style file and loading the Fonts that are used ...

QML FontLoader

2023年7月17日 — You use qrc:/Lato-Regular.ttf here, but earlier you said you were going to use/it has been added as qrc:/Fonts/... , so perhaps you need that ...


2023年8月9日 — 在QML文件中,使用FontLoader元素来加载字体。示例代码如下:. import QtQuick 2.0; Item ; FontLoader ; id: customFont; source: qrc:/fonts/ ...


2015年7月14日 — It turned out that this code loads fonts only from the network ( I checked ... but i got the same: QML FontLoader: Cannot load font: qrc:/1.ttf ...

关于QML 字体的几个笔记原创

2022年10月7日 — FontLoader id: webFont; source: qrc:/font ... 未加载过,又显示了就是使用了系统的字体。 知识点3:建议将 字体踢出qrc ,直接硬盘加载,因为加入后 ...